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IVF: First three-parents baby born to infertile coupe


Voortplantingstechnieken | Wetenschap | Ethiek

January 2017

A baby has been born to a previously infertile couple in Ukraine using a new type of "three-person IVF". Doctors in Kiev used a method called pronuclear transfer in what is a world first.It is, however, not the first child born with DNA from three parents.The baby girl, born on 5 January, is thought to be the world's second "modern three-parent baby" -another child was created using a slightly different method in Mexico last year. The Kiev team fertilised the mother's egg with her partner's sperm. They then transferred the combined genes into an egg taken from a donor.The child has the genetic identity of the parents, alongside a tiny amount of DNA from the second woman. BBC News online, 18 januari 2017

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